Xplore: Welcoming the Nations Among Us (CMM)

Xplore: Welcoming the Nations Among Us (CMM)

Xplore: Welcoming the Nations Among Us (CMM)

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Engage With Your Cross-Cultural Neighbors for the Sake of the Gospel

Welcoming the Nations Among Us is a 6-lesson study inviting believers to explore welcoming others for God’s glory. Welcoming is more than being friendly. It is the lifestyle of a person prioritizing God’s mission to “make disciples of all nations.” A welcomer gets involved with those around them from different cultures, developing genuine cross-cultural friendships, selflessly serving, and always being ready to share Jesus with others. Our Father has always been a welcomer and has a role for each of us to play in joining Him.

Welcoming participants will explore:

  • The realities of migrants and near neighbors around them
  • Their own obstacles to reaching out cross-culturally
  • Practical steps they can take to start welcoming

Paperback 6.125” x 9.25” in size 

.42  lb ♦ 88 pages

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