Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Below we have listed some of our customer's frequently asked questions ranging from translations, international shipping, and free digital downloads.

Discounts are automatically applied at checkout for our discounts. All quantities and associated discounts are listed on our Bulk Order Pricing Page.

Yes, you can download select resources for FREE rather than shipping them to you physically

Yes! You can see all of our available resources for FREE digital download on our Digital Resources Page.

We offer our digital resources for free to see mission sending movements across 50 different countries. We do not want to let price hinder someone from being mobilized. Through the free digital resources, Via is able to build relationships with our customers to see them grow into World Christians who seek to see the gospel proclaimed among all the nations.

You will first need to create an account with our store. You can find help on the Account Help page if you have trouble getting started.

Once you have completed your profile with all the fields, go to the product's page and select the Language you want and the Format as Digital: PDF. You should see the discount code "Digital Product" in the green text box above the Add to Cart button.

You can follow our handy step-by-step instructions to create an account here. Remember, all Via Store account holders get access to free digital downloads on select products!

You can reach out to for all questions regarding international discounts.

There are limited instances where we license a printer the rights to our products. Find out more by submitting a request to print here.

Fill out a translation request with this form!

All of our completed translations are uploaded to our website. However, we have several more translation projects ongoing and still many more to go!

We have sold our books to resellers in the past and also utilize to sell our books. However, a part of our mobilization strategy is to build relationships with customers who are wanting to grow as a World Christian and develop habits in their life that reach the unreached. We lose this opportunity when their information is used for a sale on another seller's website.

You can reach out to for all questions regarding giveaways.

Our print vendors are experiencing material and labor cost increases, which in-turn has effectively doubled the prices we pay to produce them. On some of our resources, we were losing money which is unsustainable. With the updated pricing model, we will be able to sustainably fund our ministry’s ongoing growth and help fund new translation projects of these resources in over twelve different languages to see the global church reach the unreached with the gospel.